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    The Scientific Committee, whose founding principles are based on multi/inter/transdisciplinarity, is made up of scholars, scientists, experts and personalities of known international standing from all scientific-disciplinary sectors.

    Among these are:

    Prof. Mauro Ceruti
    (philosopher, Director of the PhD School for Communication Studies - IULM University)

    Prof. Cleto Corposanto
    (Sociologist, "Magna Graecia" University of Catanzaro)

    Prof. Floriana Falcinelli
    (Pedagogist, University of Perugia)

    Prof. Luca Gammaitoni
    (Physicist, University of Perugia – Funding Member, Director in Physical Systems Laboratory, UniPg)

    Prof. Gino Roncaglia
    (Philosopher, University of Tuscia)

    Prof. Giuditta Alessandrini
    (social pedagogist, University of Roma TRE)

    Dr. Carlos Alvarez-Pereira
    (Vice President of The Club of Rome - Entrepreneur and Strategic Advisor in innovative domains)

    Prof. Elif Çepni
    (Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science. Vice Rector, Karabuk University Dean of Business School, Karabuk University. UNESCO Chair Holder on Anticipation Studies, Futures Literacy and Strategic Foresight)

    Prof. Howard Blumenthal
    (Senior Scholar at University of Pennsylvania, and Executive Director, 21st Century Learning Project, University of Virginia School of Education & Human Development)

    Prof. Giovanni Boccia Artieri
    (sociologist, University of Urbino – Vice director Centro LaRiCA)

    Prof. Mario Caligiuri
    (pedagogist, University of Calabria, President of the Società Italiana di Intelligence - SOCINT)

    Prof. Enrico Caniglia
    (Sociologist of Cultural Processes)

    Prof. Luigi Cimmino
    (Philosopher of the Mind, University of Perugia)

    Prof. Fabio D’Andrea
    (Sociologist and Scholar of the Imaginary, University of Perugia)

    Dr. Luca De Biase
    (Journalist, Il Sole 24 Ore, Director of Nòva 24)

    Prof. Mário Santiago de Carvalho
    (Head of the Unit of Research “Institute for Philosophical Studies” at the Faculty of Letters and Humanities of the University of Combra)

    Prof. Derrick De Kerckhove
    (Sociologist and Philosopher, University of Toronto, Scientific Director OsservatorioTuttimedia - Media 2000)

    Prof. Alberto Felice De Toni
    (Engineer, former Rector of the University of Udine, President of the Conference of Rectors – CRUI)

    Prof. Daniela Falcinelli
    (Jurist, Università degli Studi di Perugia)

    Prof. Maurizio Ferraris
    (Philosopher, University of Turin - Director of the LabOnt Study Centre)

    Prof. Franco Ferrarotti
    (Emeritus Professor and sociologist, formerly Sapienza University of Rome)

    Prof. Fabio Ferrucci
    (Sociologist fo the Communication, University of Molise)

    Prof. Jesùs Flores Vivar
    (Scholar of Journalism and Artificial Intelligence, Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Director of Grupo de Investigación Complutense Internet Media Lab)

    Prof. Giuseppe Gembillo
    (Philosopher, University of Messina, Centre for the Study of the Philosophy of Complexity Edgar Morin)

    Prof. Pierluigi Gentili
    (Chemist and Physicist, CoSy Thinking EU Project, University of Perugia)

    Prof. Osvaldo Gervasi
    (Software Engineer, University of Perugia)

    Prof. Nicoletta Ghigi
    (Philosopher, University of Perugia)

    Prof. Chiara Giaccardi
    (Philosopher and sociologist, Catholic University of Milan)

    Prof. Barry Gills
    (Professor of Development Studies, University of Helsinki)

    Dr. Steven Hartman
    (Founding Executive Director of the BRIDGES Sustainability Science Coalition in UNESCO’s Management of Social Transformations programme. Director of the Humanities for the Environment Circumpolar Observatory group)

    Prof. Garry Jacobs
    (WAAS President and CEO, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the World University Consortium - WUC)

    Dr. Robert Junqueira
    (Researcher (PhD) Science, technology, and innovation manager)

    Prof. Dr. Yeliz Karaca
    (mathematician, University of Massachusetts (UMASS))

    Prof. Marcin Kilanowsky
    (Director of The University Centre for Entrepreneurship- Nicolaus Copernicus University)

    Dr. Petra Kuenkel
    (Pioneering Strategic Advisor for Transformative Systems Change, Member of the Executive Committee of the International Club of Rome and the Founder of the Collective Leadership Institute)

    Prof. Pierre Lévy
    (Philosopher, INTLEKT Metadata – Universitè de Montrèal)

    Prof. Paul Levinson
    (Media Sociologist, Fordham University of New York)

    Prof. Enrique Luengo
    (Centro Interdisciplinario para la Formación y Vinculación Social - Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara)

    Prof. Mauro Magatti
    (Sociologist, Catholic University of Milan, Permanent Research Fellow del Centre for Ethics and Culture Notre Dame University))

    Prof. Rama Mani
    (Performance artist, Centre for International Studies, Oxford University)

    Prof. Massimiliano Marianelli
    (Philosopher, Director of Department of Philosophy, Social Sciences, Humanities and Education - University of Perugia and of Centre for Human Impact Research)

    Prof. Claudia Mazzeschi
    (Psychologist, University of Perugia)

    Prof. Stefania Mazzone
    (Philosopher, University of Catania)

    (PhD) Senior Fellow Riel Miller
    (Head of Foresight and Futures Literacy at UNESCO (2012-2022) and Senior Fellow at Ecole des Ponts Business School)

    Prof. Alfonso Montuori
    (Scholar of Management and Complexity, California Institute of Integral Studies)

    Prof. Edgar Morin
    (Emeritus Professor, sociologist and philosopher of Complexity)

    Prof. Assunta Morresi
    (Biologist, University of Perugia)

    Prof. Mariella Nocenzi
    (International Social Theory Observatory for New Technologies and Sustainability, Sapienza University of Rome)

    Prof. Luiz Oosterbeek
    (President of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences and Professor of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar)

    Prof. Giovanni Pascuzzi
    (Jurist, State Council, University of Trento )

    Prof. Igor Perko
    (Economist, Scholar of Complex Systems, University of Maribor)

    Prof. Corrado Petrocelli
    (Philologist, UniSM Rector )

    Prof. Andrea Pitasi
    (Sociologist of Law, University of Chieti-Pescara, President WCSA)

    Prof. Andrè-Yves Portnoff ┼
    (Economist and Scholar of Organizations, ESSEC Business School)

    Dr. Janani Ramanathan
    (Social Scientist, The Mother’s Service Society, India )

    Prof. Denis Renò
    (Scholar of Media and Communication, Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP)

    Prof. Marco Revelli
    (Political Scientist and Sociologist, University of Piemonte Orientale)

    Prof. Giovanni Scarafile
    (Philosopher, University of Pisa - Vice president of IASC (International Association for the Study of Controversies)

    Prof. Alexander Schieffer
    (Transformative Educator, TRANS4M Center for Integral Development)

    Prof. Carlos Sedano
    (Sociologist, University of Guadalajara)

    Prof. Ullica Segerstrale
    (Sociologist and Historian of Science, Illinois Institute of Technology)

    Lord Professor Alfredo Spilzinger
    (WCSA LATAM President and Chairman Executive Board of SFAI, Universidad de Buenos Aires)

    Prof. Nicola Strizzolo
    (Sociologist and scholar of Cultural and Communicative Processes, University of Teramo)

    Prof. Angelo Vescovi
    (Scientific Director of Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza and Associate Professor at the University of Milan Bicocca)

    Prof. Benno Werlen
    (Professor, UNESCO Chair on Global Understanding for Sustainability, Friedrich Schiller University)

    Prof. Gabriel Xiao-Guang Yue
    (Foundation Fellow of IETI, Fellow of Pakistan Academy of Engineering)

    Dr. Alberto Zucconi
    (Psychologist, WAAS and IACP, Person-Centred Approach Institute)

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